Untoward incidents like a home invasion or break-in and natural disasters like a flood or even a fire can be unsettling. If your property has gone through significant damage during the incident, it is important to begin the process of filing a home insurance claim right away. This isn’t just a safety measure. The sooner you file, the quicker the process can begin. Here’s what you need to do.
File a Police Report
If you’ve been the victim of a crime like theft, home invasion, or vandalism, it’s important to call the police right away and file a police report. Write down the names of the officers you speak with at the department as well as the officer who comes to inspect your property.
Get in Touch with The Insurance Company
This should be done right after you call the police since many home insurance claims include promptness into their contracts. That means if you don’t notify the company as soon as you can, your claim may be rejected. Every company has different reporting requirements, so go over your policy and supporting documents to see when you can call. Some companies permit policyholders to file claims online. Companies do take circumstances into account while reviewing claims. So your insurance agent will understand that you’re going to be shaken up after you’ve been robbed. Still, it’s better to file the claim sooner rather than later.
Undertake Urgent Repairs
First, take pictures of the damage as is just to document it. Then, take on any urgent repairs that are crucial to your safety or that can prevent further damage. Whether you have a contractor work on the repairs or do it yourself, keep all receipts of expenditure.
Get Your Paperwork Together
When you file a claim, you will be required to support it with evidence and in-depth documentation. Make a list of stolen items along with their approximate value. If you have a detailed home inventory of your belongings, this will take less time. Document any damage via video.
Accompany the Appraiser on His Inspection
The insurance company will send an appraiser to inspect the property. You should be present when the appraiser comes so you can point out damage and answer any questions.