Working remotely is the new normal. Some people thrive in solitude and can get a lot more done in their pajamas. Others miss the structure and the social nature of a typical workday at the office. If you’re in the latter category, we’ve rounded up a few simple things you can do to make working from home more fun and more sustainable.
Prioritize Comfort
Even if you have a desk job, you’re still using your physical body to tick things off your to-do list. If you’ve noticed that your back, shoulders, and neck are aching more than usual, consider investing in an ergonomic chair and an adjustable workstation. You can even ask if your office can compensate you for your purchases (Most offices can and will!). You could also try out different spots around your home – the couch, the dining table, and the kitchen counter – to see which one works best for you; feel free to change positions throughout the day.
Stretch or Move Frequently
Don’t chain yourself to your desk. Taking five minutes to stretch, do a little yoga, or take a brisk walk around the block will keep your mind active, relax your body and break up the monotony of the day. Take advantage of the fact that you’re at home and throw in a little impromptu dance session too. Nobody’s watching!
Be Intentional About the Time You’ve Gained from Not Taking the Commute
Even if you’ve gained just a few hours by not traveling, use it to schedule things you couldn’t fit into your workday back at the office. This could be running meetings, answering emails, or engaging with clients. Or you could use it as unstructured time to wrap up tasks, plan, or line up your priorities for your next week.
Brighten up Your Workspace
Bring in a few more indoor plants, hang some bright art on the wall, and have a throw blanket on hand. Use an essential oil blend in a diffuser to help focus or simply to scent the air while you work. An aesthetic and vibrant workspace trumps beige carpeting and bland office color palettes any day of the week. It’s guaranteed to up your productivity, too.